Map of County Roscommon
Showing Civil Parish Locations

The following list of parishes are indexed by number as shown in the map above.

1.   Ardcarn                          31.  Kilglass      
2.   Athleague                        32.  Kilkeevin     
3.   Aughrim                          33.  Killinvoy     
4.   Ballintober                      34.  Killukin      
5.   Ballynakill                      35.  Killummod     
6.   Baslick                          36.  Kilmacumsy    
7.   Boyle                            37.  Kilmeane      
8.   Bumlin                           38.  Kilmore       
9.   Cam                              39.  Kilnamanagh   
10.  Castlemore                       40.  Kilronan      
11.  Clooncraff                       41.  Kilteevan     
12.  Cloonfinlough                    42.  Kiltoom       
13.  Cloontuskert                     43.  Kiltrustan    
14.  Cloonygormican                   44.  Kiltullagh    
15.  Creagh                           45.  Lissonuffy    
16.  Creeve                           46.  Moore         
17.  Drum                             47.  Ogulla        
18.  Drumatemple                      48.  Oran          
19.  Dunamon                          49.  Rahara        
20.  Dysart                           50.  Roscommon     
21.  Elphin                           51.  St. John's    
22.  Estersnow                        52.  St. Peter's   
23.  Fuerty                           53.  Shankill      
24.  Kilbride                         54.  Taghboy       
25.  Kilbryan                         55.  Taghmaconnell 
26.  Kilcolagh                        56.  Termonbarry   
27.  Kilcolman                        57.  Tibohine      
28.  Kilcooley                        58.  Tisrara       
29.  Kilcorkey                        59.  Tumna         
30.  Kilgefin                                            

Special thanks to Brian Mitchell, whose book "a new genealogical atlas of ireland" was the guide for the above map

Please forward any suggestions or comments on this site to Ed Finn at

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